Monday, April 21, 2008

John Cornelius Oliver

He's a lovely chap, with this new comedy out, produced by Comedy Central NY, which was named "Terrifying Times". And you know what? If i were to ever visit New York, it would be for 3 things now. Hot-dogs, the Empire State Building and Comedy Central. *evil grin*

The fact that i have categorized NY to be as such is mainly because i am discriminating against it and placing it in a categorized position that it may or may not want to be in. I was in such a predicament lately as well when i was categorized in a way that i have been *almost* all my life.

You see, i had no idea that people don't know that i am about 96% chinese. They simply think that my first name, was a Catholic name given to me when i got water splashed in my face by a priest. I was to them, a chinese catholic. And in that sense, i did pull my weight and did what chinese people are "supposed to do".

I ate pork, char kuey teow, grabbed ang pows from relatives and wore shorts. My genes did the other work for me by making me only of average Malaysian chinese height and also had black eyes/hair and almost fair skin. What i didn't expect was that i was supposed to do something more, which can be represented by the conversation that i have edited for your ease of reading.

DISCLAIMER : Do not read the conversation if you plan to do something malicious or to use it as material for some sort of stupid controversy. If you can accept what i have written in the way that i meant it to be (you can ask me what i meant it to be later) then by all means, read on:)

(the whole conversation was in different dialects of chinese - mandarin/canto, japanese, etc. so i have translated them into english for you. Do note that i will not mention names, and that in this entire conversation, i was speaking entirely in english, and them entirely in chinese)

Subject A : Richard, can you understand Mandarin?

Richard : I can speak and listen to the language, but i can't write it.

Subject A : Oh, any other dialects? Cantonese?

Richard : I can speak Hokkien, Canto and understand a wee bit of Hakka.

Subject B : Then why have you never spoken Chinese with us then?

Richard : Because i don't have to? And also because you understand English perfectly well?

Subject C : Oh, so because you got a bit of portugese blood you don't wanna speak Chinese la?

Subject D : Eh, Richard's not fully chinese meh?

Subject E (shouts from background) : He say only not chinese, but his mother, grandmother all chinese. So he is chinese but doesn't want to admit it. You know la, he's a bit proud.

Richard : No, subject D, i am not fully chinese.

Subject A : Then why don't you speak your mother tongue? Why don't you speak Chinese? Why didn't you learn Mandarin?

Richard : Well, for starters, Portuguese is my mother tongue, and I replaced it with English, and i did try to learn Mandarin, i'm just not good in it.

Subject A : No mah, you should be proud to learn your mother tongue, and learn how to speak Mandarin. Should learn to respect others and speak in their language.

Richard : Then aren't you dis-respecting me by not speaking in English?

-end of conversation-

*evil grin* lol. What to do right? i do suck in mandarin. =P Sorry mom for not trying harder to learn how to read and write in mandarin, then i would be able to read japanese as well and order high end cheap gadgets from japan. *smirks*

Anyways, it can a wee bit disturbing to know that, in a class of mine, a lecturer from India (or somewhere close to India) asked a question to this group of students (in english mind you), and they replied in chinese. Hrmm... The whole scene was funny cause the expression on the lecturer's face was priceless. lol. And it happened more than twice:)

Unto some not so weird stuff. The Orientation Committee's ice breaking session last night was crazed. *grins* Everyone was bordering on hysterical and i think were pumped full of narcotics for the silly grins on their faces, and "moment of madnesses" were everywhere. I *almost* lost my voice, and Taufik almost lost his knee(again).

Jaspattay switched back into her authoritarian mode, and was scary when she threatened Chee Wei to two weeks of vegetarian diet. Even jaspattay herself can't last 2 days without meat. I can't last two days without coffee, so same difference. =P

Anyhow, i have photo-phobia. The flash that people use on their cameras actually makes me blind for roughly half an hour or so, with my vision being half normal and half full of white-rainbow-y colours. And that is why i dread photo-taking, due to the fact that i would be vulnerable to an attack by space aliens and Godzilla after i get "blinded". lol.

*Ok, i'm exaggerating, but there is proof that Godzilla once ruled over the earth with T-rexs in his army and a continent full of velociraptors*

Now if you would excuse me, i have assignments to do. Just needed to rant a bit:)


The fact that the poll said "I am" was actually refering to yourselves actually. If a company gave out a poll, asking "I am" then gave you some options, then you would actually be describing yourself, wouldn't you? lol. So here goes.

50% Lust
10% for Greed and envy
30 Pride

Aberdeen boy voted lust:)
Someone from pahang voted envy. The rest were from Selangor:)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i mind.
u need to blog faster. i'm bored.