Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've been reading blogs such as Celine OC, Steve FEG, Den OC, and they're all suffering from Post-OC'ic Emotional Trauma, or POET for short. Ok enough. I have my ways of medicating myself of POET, which is to drown myself with coffee. Sort of. One Uber cold coffee coming right up:)

First, fill up a cup half full with water, and shove it into the freezer for like 4 hours, or until the water's all frozen over. Next make a cuppa pipping hot coffee. Just like in the picture below

The result? Lovely cold coffee:) Though it would only be superbly cold when the ice finally dislodges from the bottom, but no matter!

And oh, just add in a green Strabucks straw (which was "curi"ed from Starbucks, no less) and walla, you're set to open your own cafe!

But no, that's not what i wanted to blog about. Actually i do have a rough idea what i wanna blog about - until i saw the posts of the POET infected people, then i lost all motivation. So i shall leave you with this lovely site that i have found instead.

It's called Sensible Units. And what it does is to convert regular stuff like kilogrammes, miles into funny things:) let me show you a few printscreens :)

Go try it out for yourselves:) Let me know what sort of madness you can come up with:)


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