The fourth post for this month and probably the last one till the year comes to a close. Why? Cause my uni, being the lovely uni it is, only gave us one day off for christmas. Whereas it was at least a week for Raya, one "unofficial" week for CNY, and at least 3 days for Deepavali. I hate being stuck in such a rut. But hey, Christmas is about forgiving, so i forgive you, my dear uni, and to a certain extent, for having finals in early january as well.
You know christmas is kinda like fried chicken. You love it to the bits, even if you deny it publicly, you still yearn and crave for it. Why? You love it cause it's oh-so-delicious. You hate it cause it's superbly dangerous to your health. Kapish? No? Metaphors are hard to understand so let me explain.
The great things about christmas, the people, the food and the atmosphere, all comes at a price, for most of us, the price is rather steep. House cleaning for a week, the labourous setting up, and de-stetting down a fir tree, the endless hours labouring away in the kitchen. Not to mention the utter insane job of hosting so many people, and telling them that one funny Christmas story you have about Uncle Ted for the umpteenth time.
The largest poison is, the presents. You see, people have this notion that if you know and care about them, you should know what to get them for christmas - which is very untrue. Lol. So yea, while we love the presents that we recieve, deep down inside, you'd be cursing to as why the hell they bought you that ugly sweater - it's sunny all year in Malaysia!
Despite all me bitching about Christmas, i love it. I honestly do. There's no two ways around it. So gear up people, (maybe you can catch those fake christmas snow in Midv if you hurry). And dont forget the pressies. Me parents will be away for christmas anyway, and my bro will theoratically only be done with his finals on christmas eve.
Me? I've got quizzes on 23rd and 24th, plus an assignment to pass up on the 26th. Hahaha. I consider that my present to my lecturers, me being a good kid and all (please, no sarcasm is needed). *evil laugh*
And here's Merry Christmas to all of you, and a happy New Year.
(p.s. if someone asks you to taste some eggnog, please do gently decline the offer)
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Hawkeye‘s Swordsman Into Its Brutal World
[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
1 hour ago
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Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
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