Did i mention that we aren't the only people who got an ang-pow this year? Apart from the usual rebuilding of schools and stuff, our dear old PDRM has an early chinese new year gift, the car of my gf's achievable dreams. Lo and behold, the new police car:)

You're thinking, wait, your gf wants an evo x? nope. This one of the two new cars that the PDRM took charge of. The other one is this:) hahahahahaha.

Ah Beng 1 : Oit, drive faster la, that blardy polis waja damned annoying le, show me your super-turbocharged car punya power.
Ah Beng 2 : Ok-ok. You see this ar...Vrroooooommm!
*police waja gets left behind*
Ah Beng 2 : Told you alreadi, my car super wan. How the polis can catch?
*looks in rear view mirror*
Ah Beng 2 : Sheet, the new polis wolvo la. TNSKNNCCB!!
*pedal to the metal*
Ah Beng 2 : Hahahaha, wolvo also useless la polis.
Ah Beng 1 : *evil laugh*
*looks in rear view mirror*
Ah Beng 2 : Ar Beng ar, i'm soli ar, you father lawyer rite?
Ah Beng 1 : Yesh la, the best lawyer in PJ i tell you. Why you asking?
Ah Beng 2 : The polis evo x come oledi, cannot run d.
Ah Beng 1 : Sheet. Die Die.
Polis EVO : *loudspeaker* Oi abang, kalau dah max tekan minyak, jimat petrol la. Kita belum tekan half the minyak lagi. Cepat henti tepi jalan la.
I love Malaysians:)
*please bear in mind that this article is created in humour and is not to slanderize any party whatsoever. If you have a complaint, please forward it here.)
And anyway, it's not easy to keep track of everything that happens in the world, just the significant ones. And the most significant ones always seem to be the flashiest ones. I have no idea what i'm saying.
So enough of fooling around. Let's get down to busines.
This is the 4th post of the month, and you know the drill. You know what happens now. You have to be ready for it. Actually right, nothing to get ready for le. Just that it's the last post of the month. Hopefully this one post will last you 5 days minimum. I sincerely hope for that so as to not destroy your hopes of a lovely CNY.
I haven't gotten around to have a drive around PJ and KL yet, mainly cause I'm not supposed to wander about during CNY. And also today's the 1st day. Let's break it down a bit.
Day 1 : Close family & relatives visits. (usually to the husband's side)
Day 2 : The in-laws visit (mainly the wives side)
Day 3 : You're supposed to stay home to "Cultivate The Wealth".
Insane isn't it? *evil laugh* Thank God, my mother isn't all doom and gloom when it comes to the superstitions. But there are a few that has to be followed, which also explains the super last minute cleaning of the house last night, just a few hours before midnight. It was crazy, rushing here and about. This is the part of CNY that not many has grown to love.
Either way, this is a slight deviation to the post
My fellow tigers, this year - we have no good or bad luck. We're supposed to work hard to make our own fortune. *sighs* oh well, work hard people.
Alright, that's it. Happy CNY people.