Now, this might be a political party that i would love to join. Too bad that its in Sweden though. Ahhh, Sweden - home to loads of stuff ranging from meatballs to piracy to counter-strike legends (or was it Norway?). And the latest one, home to the Pirate Party. Lol, who wouldn't want to join this party with such a cool name like that huh? This is their main aim (mind you this is a real party!)
"The Pirate Party wants to fundamentally reform copyright law, get rid of the patent system, and ensure that citizens' rights to privacy are respected. With this agenda, and only this, we are making a bid for representation in the European and Swedish parliaments"
I want in! Let Malaysia form a party like this! I think right, if you want kids these days to join a political party, this is what you should do.
1. Have meetings over the net - like SecondLife or if you're unfamiliar with that concept, The Sims if you will. If you still aren't famliar, it's ok, you don't need to apply:) Have conferences over the net, video calling etc - so people don't have to travel like 300km for the annual general meeting and stay there for a week at an end.
2. Settle it like how real geeks would. If you want to challenge a suggestion or an idea of someone who has the majority votes, you must do so in the form of duel, be it WoW/DoTA/CS/Guitar Hero/Halo, etc. Or if you must...Diner Dash:) Or, if you're up against Grant Imahara, please make sure your robot can last at least two minutes against his:)
3. Our campaigns would be organized like LAN parties. Set up a WAN-Wifi area, and off we go. Recieve our podcasts while you surf the net, have a free soy-latte - interact real time via forums/conferences and go on and edit our wiki! just make sure that it's funny. And oh, we might just organize LAN games against the Youth Parties of Malaysia (Gerakan, Umno, PAS, etc), just for kicks:)
4. Our focus? Rural broadband penetration (yes, it sounds awfully lewd), as well as (online) education for all. Making everything more streamlined and getting rid of a whole load of red tape (if that is ever possible, i have heard that government databases are a nightmare to work with). Maybe we can work something out with IBM/HP and Cisco of course.
5. And for goodness sakes, no more 200% taxes on cars (is it still 200%? entah - just lower it please?). Just because most of us would be green hippies doesn't mean that we are willing to cycle 300km to Penang for curry mee. And more jobs for all! I have no idea how, but hey, one can dream - maybe we can start by honestly putting in optic fibres in cyberjaya - then it can trully be the digital hub of Asia:)
6. Whoever wears a suit must be shot, twice, in both kneecaps, unless there's a formal function to meet the King, or the Prime Minister, or whoever else that earns more than 10k in the Government (No, it doesn't matter if you earn 50k a week by yourself). And you may speak whichever language you wish! Doesn't matter as long as we all understand each other. And all face-offs and arguements shall be settled with a game of chess! And because not many people like to play chess, this is actually a deterrent for people to argue in the first place:)
Well, thank you for reading thus far. I do hope that the guilty conviction of thepiratebay people would be over-turned, or at least the punishment reduced. Either way, thanks to the thepiratebay people, i'm sure that the Piratpartiet would save you from your predicament by winning a seat in the Swedish parliment soon.
*Note : To people who think that i'm actually serious about forming this political group, please note that this is the Internet, and you know those stories about about 98% of content on the internet being untrue? Well, this is one of them. Hope you were amused. If you have found this content to be offensive, i'm sorry to say that you haven't been much of a good chap:( *
Cheers people!
And oh, wish me luck - hope CIMB calls me back for the second interview:)
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[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
1 hour ago
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