Week 5 of Mattel.
Week five only ar? Lol. Anyways, I saw John Wong at the lrt the other day, seems like he's doing well. Good for him, and whoever else who is doing well. *nonsensical i know*
And the week starts off easy. I think. I had Monday off cause of something for which i don't even recall. And oh oh, two days off for raya next next week. So nice - they puasa, i cuti. Thank you for your sacrifice. I know i know, people don't puasa for the cuti. Must i be politically correct each time?
Anyways, same old same old lo for the past few days. Oh, i forgot to mention this:
Whoever who says our kids lack respect, please drive a screw into your eyeball now.
The other day i was in the bus from the lrt to my house la. So..got la not so young people came in at the next stop. So, i ma gave up my seat lo, and no it's not because of the late Yasmin's advert, i have always done that. And lo and behold, at the next stop, 4 other people gave up their seats - that may be contributed by Yasmin la. Lol. But hey, not all of us are rotten k? :)
Anyways, i have to mention this. People. Dont suddenly break into a dance move while waiting for the lrt. Lol. You are scaring the people into thinking you're having an episode of epilepsy. Especially when you don't even have your mp3 player with you. Hahahaha.
And today, Friday, i half day. So i ma lengang a bit la - work almost done d, only left the updating and sending the listing to the 3pl (3rd party logistics). And at 11.45am, boss suddenly turns to one of supervisors and asks:
"Kak, i boleh ambik richard pergi ikut saya pergi 3pl meeting tak?".
LOL. Like i'm the pet or something. All of us laughed la, then kak said yes, ambik ambik.
Boss turns to me, wicked smile, and says, you must finish up everything by 12. Want to leave already. I was like...shit. ahahaha. Then somehow la - i did everything twice as fast, then ikut him go to the 3pl's tempat at Klang. Boss drove la. Then in the Klang area there, he looking looking, says he forgot where's the place wor.
I thought he forgot where the warehouse was..see see forgot where the restaurant was. Lol. My first "business lunch". The place was good, and the food was great, and apparently according to the warehouse boss,
"The mango juice is very nice, like a virgin girl".
You can imagine how the entire meeting was la. Hahahahahahaha. Funny people. All together got like 13 people from 3pl, and only 2 people from Mattel, namely me and boss la. then after lunch, site visit wo. Boss wanted me to see the warehouse. It's huge. Very huge. And there's two somemore. There's quite a lot i can't divulge cause i don't deem it right to be revealed, so i shall leave it at that.
Then had an update meeting on the performances, the warehouse boss explained to me what was what and which was which. He's a very nice, and bloody funny. Hahahaha. Boss drove us back to office for me to pick up my stuff then dropped me off at the lrt.
So here i am again, blogging for your pleasure. I have noticed a bunch of sakais who just post a couple pictures of wrecks, and others quote poetry at length, and others who just don't bother blogging at all. Here i am imploring you all not to be so critical of my blog k? at least i blog k? and it's almost always more than 100 words:) Hahahahaha. And oh oh, don't comment on the side bar, i can't access it at work - it's blocked. So if nak comment, please comment the proper way.
And Jas - i akan kutip rm10 from you soon. Lol. If you ever come back from Norway la. And for a reminder, i akan copy paste from last week's post.
Cheers people!
I've got something planned for my bday this year. So i'm imploring you all to save up at least RM10 to donate to get me what i want for this year:) It involves a charitable cause and it's by no way benefitting me except for the satisfaction of having helped others. Details below:
Target :
A charity home for kids who have got no place to go, and no it's not RUMAH HOPE!, that place got a lot of sponsors d. It's this tiny shelter near where i used to live.
Proposed Budget:
RM400 - i will be chipping in at least RM50 - so the rest, you guys fill-up la. Why RM400? Cause of...below
Toys. More specifically, Mattel products. I have decided that since i am not going to use the staff purchase allowance every month, i might as well put it to a good cause. So i would have amassed RM400 by december.
Toys because i have the distinct privilege of buying them on the cheap. I would gladly give up the money to get any other stuff for the kids if you have special access to cheap books or other materials - but this cause will be focused on toys. Plus it's christmas, you sure you wanna give books for christmas to small kids ar?
*For more details, that would have to wait, i need to go have a little chat with the supervisor of the place to find out - maybe some other items are more needed. Plus there is the need to find out specifically what age range the kids are at. And their preference.
And there will be no assurance that i will give that i have delivered the goods - mainly cause it'll be a Santa Claus operation - drop and don't wait around to see and take photos and stuff - i hate those people who glamourize their givings.
SO, here goes. Please save up maybe twenty cents a day, and there would be plenty to spare. I would be posting this every week in my weekly posts until the first week of december - in order to help me give them a lovely Christmas. If you intend to buy me a gift, please wire in the money to me instead. Thank you.
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Hawkeye‘s Swordsman Into Its Brutal World
[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
2 hours ago
1 comment:
richard, u remember u posted a website talking about relative weights? Like 250kg = 2 elephants
or something like that? do u have the link? I need it asap. email me or facebook it to me will you?
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