Week 4 of mattel.
Actually this is more like my daily report thing that i have to do for my internship. So when i do need to do it, i would just browse through my previous posts and *try to* remember what i did that was significant that week, so i have something to write home about. Lol. Which is nothing much to shout about la.
Anyway, this week got to participate in the staff purchases, meaning go check stock and make sure everything is there lo. I felt like a warehouse fella at some departmental store. Hahahaha. But my goodness, the amount of toys the people bought, amazing. And so nice to know that you helped them purchase all of them:)
Last week, nothing eventful happen la. Same old Same old. Boss got no time to sit down with me to give me a project to do for my internship (I know! got such thing wan, give you project to do during internship!), which would be good when i go for my next interview:
Interviewer : So, what did you do during your internship at Mattel?
Me : Well, i sit at the office desk everyday, banging on the keyboard till lunch, then go lunch, then come back and sort out some files, then go home. everyday for the past six months.
Hahahahaha. Instead i could say this:
Interviewer: So tell me, what were your responsibilities at Mattel?
Me : I was put in charge of all the purchases of Mattel products in Malaysia, making sure that orders were processed, and setting straight any awry orders - making sure that they get delivered. Also, i was given a project "*Insert project name here*" to do which helped in boosting "*Insert boosted numbers here*".
Sound more *WAH* right? Yup,i thought so. But first Boss has to find time to figure out what to give me to do. The other day, when i had really really nothing to do, and i asked him if he's got anything for me, he looked at the time (got la 15 or so mins left, but i did come in early that day), then he looked around and said,
You can go. Quietly. *with a smirk on his face*
Haish, if Boss not so busy with the SIRIM certification, it'd be much easy going. Yup, now all the toys sold in Malaysia would have to be SIRIM certified. Not exactly have to la, but it does give your company the edge:)
And oh oh. Today cuti wo. Selangor something something. Yes, i know! So nice wan. Hahahaha. Then got another two more public hols (not sure if it's raya or what) later in the month. Macam tak kerja only. And possibly, i will be the only intern left in Mattel, the other is leaving d. Sad right? Now like i'm the only "Budak" there. Hahahaha.
This Friday half day lo. Ok. Good. I Shall try my best to finish up everything and enjoy my very first official half day off! Wish me luck k? And oh, new regime: I won't be driving until next year. Yup. No behind the wheels action - unless super emergency. Everyone is baffled. Those who know the reason - you know la. For those who don't - just put it down to me saving the environmnent. Lol. JK.
My schedule will be like this then:
5.20 - wake up
5.50 - walk to bus stop
6.20/30 - Bus mari
6.50 - reach the lrt station
7.10 - reach the lrt destination
7.20 - bus pergi office
8.00 - sampai office.
Hahahahaha. YES! It's true. I even bought a bus pass for september d! Now all i need is more songs to put inside my mp3 player. =P
And last note
I've got something planned for my bday this year. So i'm imploring you all to save up at least RM10 to donate to get me what i want for this year:) It involves a charitable cause and it's by no way benefitting me except for the satisfaction of having helped others. Details below:
Target :
A charity home for kids who have got no place to go, and no it's not RUMAH HOPE!, that place got a lot of sponsors d. It's this tiny shelter near where i used to live.
Proposed Budget:
RM400 - i will be chipping in at least RM50 - so the rest, you guys fill-up la. Why RM400? Cause of...below
Toys. More specifically, Mattel products. I have decided that since i am not going to use the staff purchase allowance every month, i might as well put it to a good cause. So i would have amassed RM400 by december.
Toys because i have the distinct privilege of buying them on the cheap. I would gladly give up the money to get any other stuff for the kids if you have special access to cheap books or other materials - but this cause will be focused on toys. Plus it's christmas, you sure you wanna give books for christmas to small kids ar?
*For more details, that would have to wait, i need to go have a little chat with the supervisor of the place to find out - maybe some other items are more needed. Plus there is the need to find out specifically what age range the kids are at. And their preference.
And there will be no assurance that i will give that i have delivered the goods - mainly cause it'll be a Santa Claus operation - drop and don't wait around to see and take photos and stuff - i hate those people who glamourize their givings.
SO, here goes. Please save up maybe twenty cents a day, and there would be plenty to spare. I would be posting this every week in my weekly posts until the first week of december - in order to help me give them a lovely Christmas. If you intend to buy me a gift, please wire in the money to me instead. Thank you.
Cheers people!
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Hawkeye‘s Swordsman Into Its Brutal World
[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
1 hour ago
1 comment:
nice ricky ricardo!
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