Week 12 of Mattel.
Well, today i'm on leave. And what do i do? Go service car. Lol. Hey, getting leave is not easy feat - and doing mundane things is what keeps me sane; yes i know it would have been more fun to be white water rafting or jumping off buildings with little less than a rubber-band around your feet, but for me, it's good enough not to feel adrenaline rushing thru the veins.
And well - now i have realized that coffee with red beans is quite the unexpected lovely mix. Hahahha. I was at this "fusion" something restaurant in Jaya1 la. No i wasn't being vain, just that i wanted french fries, and theirs was the cheapest. Hahahahaha. So sat down, had my fries and... "Akazuki". Yes, it was very vain of them to name it that. But lo and behold - it's kinda nice. The coffee had only an inkling of sugar, so you drink the coffee while chewing the red beans in your mouth. It's quite unexpected - this coming from a person who doesn't really appreciates red beans.
Anyways, Mr. Aussie Big Boss came down during mid week - i had this image in my head about how Mr.Aussie looked like - and it was totally opposite of what i had in mind k? Hahahahaha. At least it was a pleasant suprise la to me. And no heavy Aussie accent - so i could make out what he said - or at least i think i know what he said. ( =
Went to Iketeru in KL Hilton for dinner. The thing was right, since i went first - like 5 mins before the rest of the people, to give the car to Mie, i thought i was late ya know. Hahahahaha. On Jln Bangsar panicking cause the dinner reservation's at 7.15 and i still haven't reached. Lol. The worst part is - when i arrived - there was only my Indirect Boss and Mr Aussie there. Straight panic. Both also i have never spoken more than 30 words to. And that's including the Good mornings and such. Hahahahhaa. Luckily the whole group arrived in like ten mins - i was saved.
I didn't know Kak and Miss Supervisor don't eat raw fish wan. So weird. Actually, i don't eat raw fish also la - but not to say that i will never ever eat it. And call me a poor kid and kampung boy or whichever proverb would suit your tastes, but it's bloody expensive wei. Now i know why companies lose money. Hahahahaha.
Anyway, 6 of us - seperated to two sides facing each other - one side eats raw fish and the other doesn't. ( = Mr. Aussie is a very funny man actually. Anyway, he had this beef tenderloin (i think) teppayanki. So here's the rub, i wanted teppayanki ya know - before i went to the restaurant - but after i saw the prices, my heart dropped. Hahahaha. So ok la, then i decided on something else already, but Indirect Boss already ordered Cod Fish (they all ordered Cod Fish), and had to choose again real quick. So Chicken Teriyaki it is.
I had to change what i wanted to eat because it's the rule of thumb - never order more expensive stuff than what your boss is eating. Hahahaha. Actually it's a rule of thumb that doesn't only apply to bosses la, it applies to every makan-makan that you aren't paying for.
And do you know that Mr. Aussie doesn't know what "heaty" means? Lol. He was so bewildered by it, and apparently quite intrigued.
"Heaty? Is that even a word?".
Well, even after a whole bunch of explanations - he still didn't get it until my Indirect Boss said this
"You know how tea is supposed to be cooling? Well, it's the total opposite when you eat heaty food".
And yes, Mr.Aussie has not had the chance to eat durian before. I do think that we just love shoving this fruit to the faces of our foreign friends - i think it's more out of fun to see their reaction rather than to actually promote the fruit. Or at least that's what i think about it la. :)
Then yea lo, yesterday super busy...from 3.30 to 6.00pm. Hahahaha. I know i have said that i don't have much work to do after 2pm, but the thing was i had to notify the people that i'm on leave, then straight got a whole bunch of stuff to do. Best thing was -
"Richard, you on leave tomorrow ar? Then who will do the work? Wait wait, i faster write this up, then you can process it."
Thank you for the extra work. Hahahahaha. So today no work lo. :)
Ok la, Jas - you are still a sakai for cancelling the house warming, and unfortunately - i don't have leave d. So yea lo. Haish. Faster come back from singgie ar you.
And Fabian? I thought you wanna come back wan? No news also.
And Kumi not coming back d right? Oh well.
Toys R Us all around the country having this dunno what halloween thingie la, Saturday and Sunday - you are all invited. Just...you won't see me around la. Hahahaha. crowds are one thing i do try to avoid:)
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[image: The Day The Earth Blew Up Looney Tunes Daffy Porky Petunia]
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