Week 10 of Mattel.
Week 10 already!!! Amazing stuff really:) You know no matter what those sakais keep saying about having more variety and balance of races in your company - it's simple really, every industry has their experts and it doesn't really boil down to races. You see, Mattel is predominantly chinese in nature - there is no doubt about that, but the thing is - our warehouse people have quite a number of Indians, and the stores that we supply, well - they have a lot of Malays. So how's that for racial integration?
See, the thing is there is no such thing as a fully well balanced company - especially in industries such as manufacturing and plantation - but the great thing is - along the line from where a product comes from to the moment where it is sold - it would have been passed along in the hands of every other race in Malaysia. It's a beautiful thing really.
And now, to you people out there - Happy Deepavali especially to my friends, and the people i work with especially those at the warehouse. Hope you have a blast and safe one. And watch those calories! ( =
Truth is, i have been eating in office. Yup, i'm guilty. Hahahaha. I couldn't leave my desk due to tonnes of work - it's been rather hectic. And boss offered no comfort to me - he told me that this is nothing compared to November due to the christmas sales. Now if i weren't a catholic - i would have cursed those nimbling nuts for celebrating a birthday on such a large scale. Hahahaha. Just kidding.
Anyways, here's my declaration - i'm cooking pork rendang and pork ponte for Jas' pot luck thing. Though it will be in quite the small portions, as i'm only looking to feed myself, Mie, Jas and her housemates. So, no, i won't be coming for the dinner itself - due to me being "anti-social" as some may say - but i will be there for lunch, with the two said dishes. So let me know if you want in - i won't be cooking extra, or rather i cook extra also useless cause Jas would have gobbled it up. Let me know la ar, if you want to makan - Warning though: for those who have makaned my mom's cooking - it won't quite be the same, mom said that she won't be helping out much in the cooking cause she's busy....so expect my cooking to be about 50% of her cooking, which is still roughly about 1902389123781% better than Mei's cooking. Hahahaha.
And anyway enough about rambling about food. Oh Food. Char kuey teow at Tmn Desa today. Haiyo. I was there earlier - second time already la i smelt this awesome char kuey teow. But today i already had lunch before i went there, so i was debating whether to go makan or not...debate debate...then.. the uncle close shop d. Shit! Hahahaha. Oh well, there's always another time right? *fingers crossed*
Oh, you know now at work, they don't bother asking me if i want cakes or cookies d. Which is quite disturbing. Simply because, they will just put it on my desk. Hahahhahaha. One day i just balik from the washroom, and there were cookies on my table. Then the other time, i was told there's cake in the pantry la, i said i will go take it later. Miss supervisor took a slice (a big one no less) and put on my desk. Hahahahaha.
This conspiracy to get me fattened up isn't going to work, but i was too lazy to explain to them why. So i just left it at that - besides, who in their right minds would complain if food magically appears on their desks? ( =
And to Agi, i'm so sorry i didn't go your open house today. I know. I'm horrible at directions la. Hahahahaha. I dont know street names and such. Yes, i would have better luck finding china than getting to rawang - no matter the directions that are given to me. Unless i was following someone there - there is no way i could go. Lol. And for years, i didn't know where the SPRINT highway was, until i realized that i have used it on numerous occasions. Hahahahhaa.
Fine, "ejek" me all you want k? Lol. Anyways - have a great week - i'll be back next week with more nonsense:)
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Hawkeye‘s Swordsman Into Its Brutal World
[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
2 hours ago
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