Week eight of Mattel.
I survived! Yay. It was an extraordinary week. Because the warehouse was closed earlier in the week, and was only open on friday. Hahahaha. So had to rush like crazy on friday - hit six figures worth of orders. Ok fine, so i wasn't the one who made those sales happen, but i am in charge of moving the stuff along:)
Anyways, this week boss had me rummagging thru C4982's. That's the hotwheels basic car. Something about toy safety and Sirim and the Government regulation that required him to submit samples - but needed to clarify the whole process first. So needed the Hotwheels cars as samples. And guess what - i went thru roughly 10 or so boxes full of those basic cars in the reception area.
one box = 72 units = 720 units that were on display in the mattel reception area. Lol. The funny part was, everyone who passed by thought i was just messing around. Hahahahaha. I had a mission k? Find the same car design but in different colours. And trust me, it wasn't a very easy job. After the 200th car i saw, i was basically blurred out. Lol.
Steve came in for interview at Mattel. Didn't do too well. Hope he gets thru though. Real sakai la he. If you want details, ask him k? I'm not the type to air dirty laundry out to dry. Hahahaha.
And oh, there's an airshow going on at Subang TUDM - i think it's the Aussie jets. They have been practising ya know - near my office. Quite alarming la, cause they sounded like they were really really close by. One of the bosses was asked what she would do if one of the jets were to crash into the building. And she said
"I don't think i would jump lo - i'm very afraid of height wan. I rather get burnt alive"
I couldn't stop laughing - but i did had to laugh discreetly. Hahahahaha.
And i kena remarked by Kak Supervisor yesterday. She was talking to one of the finance people, when the finance person said this about me
"Nampak macam dia buat banyak kerja ar, selalu busy aje"
You know what Kak Supervisor said (albet with a very wicked grin)
"Ala, dia pura-pura sibuk aje"
LOL. what the hell? Hahahhaa. Busy k? Sometimes not la, but at that time quite busy k?
And oh the title refers to this very charming couple that me and Mie met at KFC, they offered us this coupon for less the value. And i bought it. They so cute la. Hahahaha. When i grow old, i wanna go sell coupons at KFC also:)
They said that they get coupons from friends and all sorts of meetings that they go to. And when mie went to the restroom, they kept on talking to me - telling me about those good old days when food was only 5 cents:) Very lovely people. I wish them well, and a whole load of goodwill. Now give me your KFC coupons! Hahahahhaha.
And oh, i almost forgot. Deepavali coming soon. So invite me k? Doesn't matter if you're chinese or malay or "lain-lain". Hahahahaha. But i do have to stress that i will not travel more than 20km from my house. =P
Oh oh - one more story. You know that Malaysia was hit with the tremors right? Apparently, my mom didn't feel a thing, and neither did the kids. When i came home, everyone was standing outside the apt, i thought maybe power outage la. See See tremors. The funny thing was, my next door neighbour, this very jolly man had this to say
"I tengah duduk atas lantai la, makan maggi mee - watching tv. Suddenly my maggi mee bowl started to move away from me - i pun shocked la, then everything started shaking jugak. Phone i pun jatuh" and he added this for good effect
"Nasib baik maggi mee saya tak tumpah".
Hahahahahaha. I tell you, Malaysians and their food ar. There was this one story some time back, a bunch of people was eating at this roadside stall, they saw this car coming real fast at them la - you know what they saved ar? Their bowls of assam laksa. The owner of the stall only walked away with his soup scoop. Lol. I tell you ar... Hahaahahha. (not sure if it was assam laksa and a soup scoop, but definately whatever that they were eating la)
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Hawkeye‘s Swordsman Into Its Brutal World
[image: Hawkeye Jack]
Tony Dalton's mustachioed Jack will come back for swordsman seconds and
(probably) spend some time hanging with Daredevil.
1 hour ago
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